ランゲージ エクスチェンジ

Featured image for “ Sound tune check ! 「心変わりする」って英語でなんていうの?”

 Sound tune check ! 「心変わりする」って英語でなんていうの?

Definition change your tune : To be used in a context when a person changes his opinion completely, especially when…
Featured image for “Bring me the table! 「貢献する」って英語でなんていうの?”

Bring me the table! 「貢献する」って英語でなんていうの?

Definition bring to the table : To be used in a context when a person brings something to contribute to…
Featured image for “Hey look a blue moon!「滅多に無い」って英語でなんていうの?”

Hey look a blue moon!「滅多に無い」って英語でなんていうの?

Definition Once in a blue moon : something very rare Once in a blue moon : ごく稀に、滅多に無い   Example Yay!!…
Featured image for “Fall equals new chestnuts not old ones. 「聞き飽きた」って英語でなんていうの?”

Fall equals new chestnuts not old ones. 「聞き飽きた」って英語でなんていうの?

Definition  An old chestnut : To bring up an old issue or problem that has not been solved or has…
Featured image for “Where did all the squirrels go? 「蓄える」って英語でなんていうの?”

Where did all the squirrels go? 「蓄える」って英語でなんていうの?

Definition to squirrel away : to hide or store something for later to squirrel away :(将来のために)蓄えておく、隠しておく Example I was able…
Featured image for “Hey her book has a leaf in it. 「見習う」って英語でなんていうの?”

Hey her book has a leaf in it. 「見習う」って英語でなんていうの?

Definition to take a leaf out of somebody else’s book : to behave or to do something in a way…
Featured image for “Everywhere I turn, there are roses. どこを向いても、バラだらけなの。”

Everywhere I turn, there are roses. どこを向いても、バラだらけなの。

Definition Everything’s coming up roses : Life is particularly positive or beneficial at the moment ;everything is going especially well. Everything’s…
Featured image for “Look at all these lemons. 見て、レモンがいっぱい!”

Look at all these lemons. 見て、レモンがいっぱい!

Definition When life gives you lemons, make lemonade : Make the most of difficult a situation & choose to take…
Featured image for “Blast off to outer space. 宇宙へ飛び出そう。”

Blast off to outer space. 宇宙へ飛び出そう。

Definition It’s not rocket science: It’s not complicated. It’s not rocket science: 難しくないこと、簡単なこと Example It’s not rocket science to learn…
Featured image for “Caution: It’s windy out there today.  注意:今日は外の風が強いです。”

Caution: It’s windy out there today. 注意:今日は外の風が強いです。

Definition to throw caution to the wind: to take a risk to throw caution to the wind: 思い切ったことをする Example Let’s…
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